Arroyo Pacific Academy
325 North Santa Anita Avenue
Arcadia, CA 91006
626.294.0661 Phone
WeChat ID: APA-Admin
Olivia Zhang
Registrar/Student Services
Addison Anton
Janice Yen
Driving Directions

From the 210 Freeway, exit at Santa Anita Avenue and go south. Turn right into the school parking lot at 325 North Santa Anita Avenue.
From the south, travel north on Santa Anita Avenue and turn left on either Santa Clara Street or St. Joseph Street. Turn right on Rolyn Place and travel towards the end of the street. Turn right into the Clarke Center parking lot before the end of the street.
To request more information:
Contact the Admissions Office
Monday - Friday, 8am - 4pm
626.294.0661 Ext 85
You can also request more information with this form: